Machu Picchu Peru Photography Workshop

Machu Picchu Photography Workshop!
 Register by December 31st, 2015 and save $100

Note: we are conducting our 2016 Colors of Costa Rica Workshop and our Mystery of the Maya Belize workshop just before this workshop, in case you'd like to see more of Central America!

Machu Picchu 5-Day Photography Workshop

Machu Picchu Peru Join us on this 5-day adventure as we journey to the "Lost City of the Incas", known as Machu Picchu.

In a remote region of southern Peru, perched high above the Urubamba river valley, you'll find the legendary Machu Picchu, one of the most famous archeological ruins in the world. Inexplicably, it is nestled into a narrow saddle between two sharp peaks, where it was mysteriously abandoned more than four centuries ago. Yet, to this day, it remains as a remarkable symbol of the engineering prowess of the Inca.

Come explore and photograph the mysterious chambers and passage-ways of Machu Picchu. Witness for yourself the stunningly percise "Ashlar" masonry used by the Inca's to build stone structures that have withstood the test of time.

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