Photography Workshops | Digital Photo Classes | Aperture Academy

We provide the best photography education experience on the planet. Don't Take Our Word For It -- Hear What Our Customers Say!

Photography Workshop Schedule

If you're looking for a photography workshop that teaches the secrets of professional landscape and wildlife photography, AND YOU LIKE TO HAVE FUN, you've come to the right place!

You will receive comprehensive digital photography instruction from award-winning photography instructors. We take students to photograph some of the most scenic and pristine locations in the world!

Whether you're a beginner with a passion to take great pictures, or an advanced photographer just looking to brush up or polish existing skills, our photography workshops will provide you with real, hands-on education -- you will learn only from the best!

Brian Rueb Mike Wardynski Aron Cooperman
Brian Rueb Mike Wardynski Kevin Schofield
Mary Cheung Stephen Oachs Ellie Stone
Mary Cheung Stephen Oachs Ellie Stone
Monique DeMoulin
Monique DeMoulin

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